A law prohibiting use of handheld cell phones in school zones and highway work zones took effect oct. Drivers 18 to 21 years old.

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The prevalence of cellular phones new research and publicized crashes has started many debates related to the role cellphones play in driver distraction.

Cell phone law arkansas 2020. Act 738 will restrict the use of cellphones on the roadways. Arkansas drivers who are under 18 years old are entirely prohibited from using a cellphone while driving regardless of whether the phone is in hands free mode. Keep your eyes on the road your hands upon the wheel in arkansas this isnt simply good advice.

Matt sharp ktlo a new law went into effect wednesday to curb distracted driving in arkansas. The definition of texting was expanded to include instant messaging and electronic data retrieval. This chart details state cellular phone use and texting while driving laws.

Kthv distracted driving is a clear and present danger and now that a new arkansas law has kicked in its clear how seriously police will be fighting to stop it. Arkansas drivers ages 18 to 20 years of age. Bill filing began on thursday november 15 2018.

Cell phone use is banned entirely for all drivers under 18 years old. Arkansas has no restrictions on most cell phone calling by adult drivers but it regulates their use by drivers under the age of 21. The only exception is for emergency purposes.

The new law amended an existing one to comply with federal legislation. Drivers who are 21 years old and older are not permitted to use a handheld device when driving in a school or work zone. 92nd general assembly regular session 2019 the regular session of the 92nd general assembly convened on monday january 14 2019 and adjourned sine die on wednesday april 24th 2019.

The definition of texting was expanded to include instant messaging and electronic data retrieval. Drivers between 18 and 20 years old are banned from using handheld cell phones though a hands free device is permitted. Act 738 restricts the use of cellphones on the roadways.

Drivers under 18 years old. No specific jurisdiction was mentioned in the post and we were unable to find any firm or even speculative information about a law of that type which would have proposed or implemented in january 2019. A new law went into effect wednesday to curb distracted driving in arkansas.

Caught using cell phone or holding it while driving 999 fine and 3 yr suspended license as of jan2019. School and highway work. The new law amends an existing one to comply with federal legislation.

Cell phone laws in arkansas when it comes to safe driving jim morrison sang it best.

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